Sulphite as Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) in Brown Sugars by the Optimized Monier-Williams Method combined with High-Performance Ion Chromatography (HPIC) – Accepted
The Determination of Total Reducing Sugars in Molasses and Refined Syrups after Hydrolysis by the Lane & Eynon Constant Volume Procedure - Official (Reference)
The Determination of Refractometric Dry Substance (RDS) of Molasses – Accepted and Very Pure Syrups (Liquid Sugars), Thick Juice and Run-off Syrups – Official
The Determination of Total α-Galactosides and Raffinose by an Enzymatic Method in Beet Molasses - Official – in Juices and Syrups from Beet Processing and Beet Sugar - Accepted
Sucrose, Dry Substance and Fibre in Cane and Bagasse by VIS-Polarimetry after Clarification of the Aqueous Extract with Lead Acetate and by Refractometry - Official
The Determination of Glucose, Fructose and Sucrose in Cane Juices, Syrups and Molasses and of Sucrose in Beet Molasses by High Performance Ion Chromatography - Official