ICUMSA Method GS2-6 (2011)
Material: Plantation White Sugar, White Sugar
Analytes: Reducing sugars
Method Technique: Titration
The method measures the reducing power of solutions of white sugar containing reducing substances e. g. invert sugar in a weak alkaline solution of a Cu++ complex with tartrate. It is suitable for white sugar and plantation white sugar containing up to 0.089 g/100 g of reducing sugars. The method has Official Status but, if a choice is available, ICUMSA® recommends that Method GS2-5 is used preferentially. For white sugars and plantation white sugars containing between 0.007 g/100 g and 0.089 g/100 g reducing sugars, the absolute difference between two results obtained under repeatability conditions should not be greater than 0.006 g/100 g and under reproducibility conditions not greater than 0.011 g/100 g.
Online Access to ICUMSA Method GS2-6 (2011)
Access to the online Version of ICUMSA Method GS2-6 (2011) can be obtained from the Sugar Industry Website, operated by Bartens. The online access for two years costs EUR35 (+ 7 % VAT for German and EU citizens without EU VAT No.).