After the postponement of the 32nd Session in Vienna from June 2020 to June 2021, it has again become unavoidable to cancel our plans for the meeting in Vienna. Since the COVID-19 situation is still very serious in many countries worldwide, the ICUMSA Officers expect that many delegates will not be allowed to register for the meeting in Vienna and make travel arrangements within the next months. To provide clarity to all about the plans for the Session at an early stage, we have decided to cancel all arrangements for the Session in Vienna in June and start the preparation of an online event. We think it would not be desirable to postpone the Session again. Therefore, the online Session will take place from 14th to 16th June 2021. We will inform you about the program and registration for the Session within the next weeks.
Referee’s reports for the forthcoming Session
In line with the protocols adopted at previous ICUMSA Sessions all Referee’s reports need to be submitted to the General Secretary two months before the Session begins. Therefore, the deadline for receiving reports and related recommended Method drafts for the 32nd Session is (postponed to) 15th April 2021. Some report drafts were already submitted last year before the decision was taken to postpone the Session to June 2021. These reports can be updated, if required, until the new deadline. The reports will be made available in the members’ section of the ICUMSA website in order to allow members time to prepare for discussion during the Session. Please be aware that Referees can present work to the Session that is not contained in their report, but this will only be reported in the Proceedings for the following Session.
ICUMSA Treasurer vacancy
Clive Shelton has decided to resign as ICUMSA Treasurer and Officer in 2021. This means that we have a vacancy for ICUMSA Treasurer/Officer. General Secretary Hanjo Puke has already informed all National Committee Chairs about this vacancy and has asked them to inform us about potential candidates. At the Executive Committee meeting in June the new Treasurer will be elected.
New ICUMSA website
Preparations have started to update the ICUMSA website as the current website needs revision. The new website will look more modern and will provide more functionalities to users to find information about ICUMSA Methods and the organisation of ICUMSA. ICUMSA membership We are pleased to announce that Mr. Junjia Chen from China has become the first Affiliate member of ICUMSA. Mexico has re-established a National Committee (15 members, contacts available, cooperation in Subjects still open, last reminder sent on 6th November 2020).