Message from the President
ICUMSA 27th Session – Berlin 2010
Details of the forthcoming Session have been on the website for some time now and I would urge everyone to both register for the Session and book hotel rooms as early as possible. Booking information for two hotels can be found on the website; the meeting itself will be held in the Swissotel. This hotel is conveniently located in central Berlin and is only a few minutes walk from the Zoo Railway Station which has good connections to the Berlin airports. A number of rooms at this hotel have been reserved at a conference rate and there is also a good selection of hotels, of differing price ranges, within ten minutes walk.
There will be a Reception held on the evening of Sunday 11th July and the Plenary Session will commence on Monday morning. As well as the Referee’s reports we are planning a workshop on Method Development and Performance that will take place on Tuesday morning (13th July). There is also a visit arranged to Klein Wanzleben Sugar Factory which will take place on Wednesday 14th July – please indicate on your registration form whether you wish to take part in this visit. My sincere thanks go to Dr Jürgen Bruhns and Mathis Kuchejda for all their hard work in progressing the Session this far.
Referee’s Reports for the 27th Session
In order to aid the understanding of the forthcoming reports I would ask all Referee’s to send them to Dr Puke by the end of April 2010. This will allow time for the Report to be placed on the website and read by the Session attendees in advance of the meeting.
Publications Committee
Since the last issue of ICUMSA News the Proceedings of the 26th Session have been published. These can be ordered in the usual way through the website of our publisher Bartens ( or by following the link from the ICUMSA website (under Publications).
The new Methods Book supplement is also complete and is available to purchase in the same manner. Copies of the Methods Book are also available in Spanish and Russian, with work to produce a Portuguese version also progressing.
New Referees
I am pleased to welcome two new Referees for ICUMSA.
In addition to taking over the position of Chairman of the Indian national Committee, Dr G.S.C. Rao is now also the Referee for General Subject 5 “Cane” and Narendra Mohan is the Referee for Subject 5 “Dry Substance”.
Geoff Parkin
President, ICUMSA