Message from the President
This is my first newsletter since becoming ICUMSA President. I am grateful for the opportunity given to me and it is both my pleasure and honour to serve ICUMSA in the coming years. I would like to pay tribute to our outgoing President, Geoff Parkin, for leading ICUMSA in an outstanding way since 2006. In addition, I would also like to thank Dr Hanjo Puke and Clive Shelton again for their willingness to continue as General Secretary and Treasurer. Their guidance and support are highly appreciated.
31st Session of ICUMSA
The 31st Session took place from 26th to 28th August 2018 in Skukuza, South Africa. The meeting was attended by thirty-five delegates from eleven different countries. Twelve reports were presented by the ICUMSA Referees or their representatives. A successful method writing workshop was hosted by Dr Hanjo Puke on the day before the Session. The meeting was concluded by a visit to the Malelane Sugar Mill. Our thanks go to Stephen and Wendy Walford and their team and Turners conferences for the excellent organisation of the meeting which was very memorable due to the beautiful scenery of the Kruger National Park. The Recommendations of the Session have been published since the meeting. The Proceedings will follow as soon as possible.
Executive Committee Meeting
The need to develop methods for different types of analytes within ICUMSA has been discussed several times during recent Sessions. Traditionally, ICUMSA Methods were developed to be used for trade purposes. A number of methods have also been studied during the last years that have other (technological) relevance (General Subjects 7 and 8). It was felt, however, that S7 Indirect Methods did not really fit into the scope of ICUMSA anymore. Therefore, it was agreed during the Executive Committee Meeting to close this Subject. Subsequently, former Subject S8 has been renumbered and renamed to S7 Sampling, Sample Handling and Sample Preparation. It was also agreed to change the names of General Subjects GS7 Cane Sugar Processing and GS8 Beet Sugar Processing to GS7 Cane Processing and GS8 Beet Processing.Following the request from some of the Referees, the Officers will draft a clear definition of the scope of ICUMSA to provide further guidelines on the types of work that should be conducted within ICUMSA preferably.
Next ICUMSA Session
Recently, the Austrian National ICUMSA Committee has confirmed that the 32nd Session of ICUMSA can be held in Vienna. I would like to thank Dr Jürgen Bruhns and Dr Florian Emerstorfer who have already started making preparations for this meeting which is expected to be held in June 2020. Further details will appear on the ICUMSA website as they become available.
New S2 Referee
Dr Roger Wood has asked to relinquish the Subject S2 Refereeship. He remains available as an Associate Referee. I would like to thank him for the valuable guidance he has given to ICUMSA in the areas of method format, method development and statistics. I am pleased to report that Dr Hanjo Puke is willing to take over as Subject S2 Referee temporarily until a Referee has been found to take over in future.
Method revision project
At the last meeting it was agreed that in the course of the general methods review all ICUMSA Methods shall be rewritten according to a new standardised format. A template with the new ICUMSA method format will be provided to all Referees very soon. Recently, it was agreed by the ICUMSA Officers and Publisher to work on the gradual change of the Methods Book, rather than a complete revision of all methods simultaneously. Therefore, when new Methods Book Supplements are provided over the next few years, the Methods will be published according to the new format. ICUMSA Method numbering will also be simplified in future. Further details about the transition to the revised Methods Book will be sent to all Referees and National Committees shortly.
New ICUMSA National Committee of Jamaica
It is a pleasure to announce that Jamaica has established a National ICUMSA Committee. We welcome our dear friend Maureen Wilson and her colleagues and look forward to our fruitful cooperation.