Message from the President
Arrangements for the 30th Session of ICUMSA
The 30th Session of ICUMSA will be held from 8th to 10th of June 2016 in Warsaw, Poland.
On the evening of Wednesday 8th June there will be a joint welcome reception and tour of the Royal Castle together with the participants of the meeting of the ESST Scientific Committee (which will take place on 8th June).
The scientific Session of ICUMSA will start on Thursday 9th June at 9 h in the NOT Building, Room A (Tadeusza Czackiego 3/5, 00-043 Warsaw).
Registration details for the conference can be found on the ICUMSA website
Referee for General Subject 4, Molasses
Nigel Jones has resigned from the post of Referee for General Subject 4, Molasses. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Nigel for his valuable contribution to ICUMSA activities in this area.
Clearly this leaves the role vacant and anyone wishing to be considered for this position should contact the Officers at the email addresses stated.
Referee’s reports for the forthcoming Session
The latest Methods Book supplement has been issued in January following the changes agreed during the last Session. Part of the reason for the delay in getting this supplement published was due to some late changes made to reports/methods. The Officers discussed this matter with members of the Publications Committee at a meeting in October and it was agreed that in order to issue future Proceedings and Methods Book Supplements in a timely manner, deadlines for receiving Referee’s reports will have to be strictly followed.
Therefore all Referee’s reports need to be submitted to the General Secretary two months before the Session, i.e. by Friday 8th April 2016. Referees can present work to the Session that is not contained in their report but this will only be reported in the Proceedings following that Session, i.e. those published after the Session in 2018.
Enforcing this rule, which has been in place since the decision was taken to move to only one language, will ensure that future Proceedings are published without delay.
The General Secretary has started to develop some rules and guidelines for Referees; the first of which can be found in the members section of the ICUMSA website. Please consider as well the letter to Referees and Associate Referees sent out by the General Secretary on 17th December 2015.
Change in legal status of the Commission
The change in the legal status of ICUMSA (agreed by the Executive Committee during the 29th Session in Brazil) has now taken place. ICUMSA is now officially registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales with the Registration No. 9152519.
The registered is Provident House, Burrell Row, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 1AT, United Kingdom.
The Officers are currently elaborating the necessary modifications to the Constitution (to become Articles of Association) and By Laws, which will circulated to National Committees prior to the Session, so they can be discussed during the Executive Committee meeting. The Articles are being written to conform to the requirements laid down by the UK Companies Act 2006.