26th Session of ICUMSA, October 2008
The 26th Session of ICUMSA took place in Delray Beach and was attended by sixty-two participants from fifteen countries.
As well as the subject reports presented by the Referees, Dr Matthew Whetton gave a presentation about the SUPS (Sugar Proficiency Testing Scheme) recently launched by LGC and ICUMSA and the plans for its development.
The meeting was a great success, in no small part due to the excellent planning and hosting by the SPRI staff and I would like to thank Dr Richard and his team for all their help.
The Recommendations made at the meeting are now posted on the ICUMSA website under the News & Events link.
Next Meeting of ICUMSA
A number of our members have asked that the next meeting is held outside of USA in order to reduce the costs of travel and ensure continued attendance. It is therefore planned to stage the next meeting in 2010 in Berli. I would like to thank Dr Jurgen Bruhns and Mathis Kuchejda who have already started making preparations for this meeting. Full details will appear on the website as they become available.
Method Status update
An important debate about the status of methods took place during the Executive Committee meeting held during the session. Whilst the mechanics of the proposal produced by the Strategic Working Group were accepted, there was debate about the titles used to describe status. Therefore two options have been sent to National Committee Chairs on which to vote and the outcome will be published in the members section of the website.
The revised status description definitions will then be written and, together with a flowchart, will be published in the members section of the website. After that Referees will be tasked with reviewing the methods in their subject areas to review their status in order to present changes to the next Session.
Microbiology Meeting (Dr Maritta Jacobs, Referee S12)
In January 2008 the first meeting of European microbiologists working for the sugar industry, was held at Pfeifer & Langen in Elsdorf. Due to its success a second meeting took place at Südzucker in January 2009. The eight attendees represented the Beneo group (Belgium), British Sugar (England), Cosun (Netherlands), Nordzucker, Pfeifer & Langen and Südzucker (Germany). Two Guests also attended from the Technical University of Lodz.
All participants gave a comprehensive survey of their experiences with Alicyclobacillus, an acido- and thermophilic bacterium with high off-flavour potential.
Christer Bergwall reported on the development of Real Time PCR for the detection of Legionella and Yeasts. The detection of the latter organisms is still in progress.
Michael Klingeberg described the VIT-technology. It’s a rapid method for the identification of Legionella, Alicyclobacillus or fermentative yeasts in beverages by using specific gene probes. Three attendees took part in the SUPS proficiency testing for microbiology in sugar.
Once again it was an informative session and the next one is planned for January 2010. All