ICUMSA News n°43 – 2001

Message from the President

The 2002 General Assembly is now less than one year away. and, after this issue, there will only be two other ICUMSA News editions before this next Session. I can now give you some further informati­on on the next meeting in India, so that National Committees Refe­rees, Associate Referees and others can make plans to attend. We have recently met in Ferrara with our Indian friends Mr. Kumar and Mr. Jain. At this meeting it was decided to hold the next Session at the Hotel Meridien in Pune during the week 22-26 April 2002. These dates have been chosen to avoid overlapping with other meetings and for a time when we should have pleasant weather con­ditions in Pune. Although our Indian friends have not yet arranged a detailed program, or finalised the costs for registration and accommodation, I can foreshadow that the costs will not be higher than those of the previous session held in Berlin. National Committees and other participants can plan their expenditure on that basis.

Bearing in mind that the next issue of ICUMSA News well be published at the beginning of January 2002, which is quite close to the Congress, we well prepare a special page en our website ( so that participants wanting more detailed information in advance of the Congress will be able to obtain it. This information will also be published in the traditional sugar magazines and will be mailed to the National Committees. I would like to reiterate two important points which I have already emphasized in the last issue of ICUMSA News.

I ask the Referees to send their Reports to me as soon as possible, but not later than December 31. 2001. These Reports well be included in another page of our website, as soon as they are received, so that they can be examined and discussed within the National Committees in time before the Session. I would like to suggest the Referees to send their Reports, if possible, via e-mail to my personal address: I also request the few Referees, who have not given me their e-mail addresses, to do so as soon as possible not only for updating our website but also for making contact easier with me, the Associate Referees and other people who would like to parti­cipate in the preparation of the Reports.

In addition, I would like to remind the National Committees that va­rious appointments must be renewed or reconfirmed for the next four years. and I am awaiting their proposals and suggestions.

Editor: Rud Frik Madsen