ICUMSA Method GS2-13 (2024)
Material: White Sugar
Analytes: Colour type
Method Technique: Reflectometry
This Method is applicable only to crystalline white sugars and is used to determine the photometric grade of white sugar in relation to the Braunschweig colour-types by measurement of the ratio of reflectance at two different wavelengths. A photometer calibrated using either Braunschweig colour-types (primary standard) or ceramic tiles (secondary standard) is used for the reflectance measurement. The Method is most suited to sugar with a mean aperture (MA) of (0.5 to 1.0) mm It is unsuitable for white sugars with inhomogeneous crystal distributions (e.g. sugars with damaged crystals), large (e.g. coarse sugar) or very small (e.g. powdered sugars). For sugars having colour type values of up to 4.85, the absolute difference between two results obtained under repeatability conditions should not be greater than 0.14 and under reproducibility conditions not greater than 0.55.
Online Access to ICUMSA Method GS2-13 (2024)
Access to the online Version of ICUMSA Method GS2-13 (2024) can be obtained from the Sugar Industry Website, operated by Bartens. The online access for two years costs EUR35 (+ 7 % VAT for German and EU citizens without EU VAT No.).